

International Journal of Business, Arts and Scientific Study (IJBASS) is an official periodical of Sparkling Press. IJBASS is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed, refereed, and indexed journal, which publishes its issue annually (2 issue/ year) basis. This multidisciplinary journal follows a Double-Blind Peer Review process and considers scholarly research articles, reviews, case reports, case studies, commentaries, short communication, book reviews, editorials, etc.

Focus and Scope of IJBASS

The IJBASS aims to maintain and develop Business, Arts and Scientific Study and related research at an international level. The journal features original investigations, brief reports, technical reports, perspectives, and Images in IJBASS. IJBASS journal welcomes contributions in the fields of: 

  • Accounting and Banking
  • Business and Marketing
  • business ethics
  • Commerce
  • Database Management System
  • Economics
  • Energy Management
  • entrepreneurship
  • finance
  • Financial Development and management
  • human resource management
  • Human Resources accounting
  • Insurance and Risk Management
  • Logistics
  • Management
  • marketing
  • MIS
  • operations management
  • organizational behaviour
  • Production and operation
  • Quality management
  • quantitative methods
  • sales and distribution management
  • strategy
  • Supply chain management
  • Tourism Management
  • Travel management
  • Administrative sciences
  • Advertisement
  • Anthropology
  • Physical anthropology.
  • Archeology
  • Criminology
  • criticism
  • Cultural Aspects of Development
  • Economics
  • Education
  • English language
  • Fine Arts
  • Geography
  • History
  • International Relations
  • Journalism
  • Languages and Literature
  • Law and Legislature
  • Library and Archival Sciences
  • mass communication
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Photography
  • Physical Education and sports
  • Political
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Public Administration
  • Recreational & performing arts
  • Religious Studies
  • Social Welfare
  • Sociology
  • Statistics
  • Teacher Education
  • Tourism Management
  • Visual Arts
  • Women Studies 

Online submission of the manuscript is strongly recommended in the IJBASS journal. The author can send their articles to editorijbass@gmail.com or through the online submission portal. A manuscript number will be mailed to the corresponding author within one week or earlier by the managing editor of the IJBASS Journal. All manuscripts are subjected to a RAPID peer review process, and those of high quality (which have not previously been published and are not under consideration for publication by another journal) would be published without any delay in subsequent issues of the IJBASS journal after approval.

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