For Authors

Manuscript Preparation Checklist
  • Language: English & Bangla
  • The title must be concise and informative in 12 pt. capital font. (Better limited to 15 words)
  • The author should clearly mention the paper type on the right side just below the title whether it is a Research Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication/Case Study/Proposal Paper/Opinion Paper.
  • The Title Page of the manuscripts must include the title, affiliations (Designation, Department and Institution, Address, contact numbers and e-mail of the corresponding author) of researcher/s (not more than three authors), a precise abstract within 120-200 words, and 4-6 keywords/phrases only.
  • Corresponding Author: Clearly mention who will be the sole responsible for handling all the matters related to the publication by putting a star (*) after the author’s name.
  • The manuscripts should have the main text typed in 10 pt. Times New Roman with No Line Space. The sequence should be as per the following chronology (except the literary criticisms):

    Author/s name/s and affiliations

Abstract (Briefly discuss the ‘Subject Matter, Objectives, Methods, Findings’)

Keywords (four to six)

Introduction (General Introduction, Problem Statement, Rationale, Study Periods)

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework (Optional but Preferred)

Limitations (If any)

Objective/s (General and Specific)

Literature Review (Specify Literature Gap)

Methodology (With a clear description of methods, participants, design, and data collection process)
Findings and Discussion

Recommendations (if any)

Acknowledgment (If any)

References (APA format, 7th Edition)

  • Short communications may or may not have heading and subheading etc. but references should be listed as usual. Research Papers (3,000-3,500 words in length) and Short communications (not more than 1,500-2,000 words in length) will be considered. Articles having more than 3,500 words will demand additional fees. IJBASS team will inform the authors in that case. Excellent articles may be considered up to 4,000 words (including references) in regular fees. 
  • Review papers should contain reviews of the last 10 years for references. You must have at least 15 references of which five are from recently published articles. References must follow APA (7th) citation style.
  • The line space will be 1 with all justified paragraphs.
  • The First Headings will be 10 pt. capital bold. Second Headings should be 10 pt general bold. Third Headings should be 10 pt. italic. All sections and sub-sections should have terse headings. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.
  • Electronic submission is preferred. The articles carrying more than 25 percent plagiarism will be sent back to the author. IJBASS practices Grammarly and original Turnitin software for checking. 
  • The Authors have to take full responsibility for the content of their Paper. The submitted manuscript should not contain any unlawful statements.
  • When a paper is accepted for publication, the ‘Corresponding Author’ will be informed by email. Hereafter the Author should prepare the final version of the paper according to the IJBASS Guidelines for Paper Submission.
  • Please note that we do not usually consider the articles having more than three authors. Nevertheless, the consideration may depend on the manuscript type. IJBASS may demand additional fees for an additional author.
  • IJBASS publishes manuscripts that contribute beyond excellence with no fees if recommended by the Editorial Board. 
  • Manuscripts should be submitted through e-mail:

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